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Elle Vincioni's debut novel, Through Liberty's Shackles, follows the journey of coming-of-age Ruth Martin, as she struggles to find her place in the male-dominated world of investigative journalism during the Civil War. A fictional trailblazer for women and professionals everywhere, she conquers societal barriers to work for her local Boston newspaper while also coping with death and regret. After working for some time without pay, she finds herself being sent to Chattanooga, Tennessee in 1862, where she stays for over a year to report on the war as one of the first ever war journalists. During this time, she develops a relationship with her editor's incredibly wealthy Irish Catholic nephew and discovers the toll of war on both civilians and herself, witnesses the horrors of injustice first hand, and meets unique yet fascinating individuals in the midst of war. In this tale of a young woman forbidding inhibitions and boundaries to contain her ambitions in the endless fight for liberty, readers are infused with passion and enthusiasm for adventure and purpose.